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Dec 31, 2012 23:59

holiday love meme 2012

you know the drill! comment with your username and people will anonymously reply to your thread with bits of encouragement, well wishes, declarations of undying devotion, etc. secret santa style! tell all your friends and spread some lovely end of year cheer~

this post will be open to commenting through the first week of ( Read more... )

ily, #meme

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anonymous December 9 2012, 04:12:29 UTC

for some reason i want to begin this with do you remembers. do you remember that one time we talked on aim before we were really friends? i wish i knew what we said, then -- i have a record of so many of our conversations that it's weird, to only really remember one thing about that night -- that we both stayed up late. do you remember how it was basically bsg that made us closer -- i'd watched it expecting to like it one way and ended up in a completely different direction that only you understood. at the time it was just like, oh, this is great, catherine's cool... and now it's like, weird that i was that casual about it, that it happened that simply, bc like, OF COURSE YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTOOD YOU ALWAYS ARE?? reeeeeeemember when you were like "so i'm thinking about watching enterprise"?? remember how easily it felt like our life issues tracked back in the beginning?? it's weird because our family lives are so different now but... yeah. remember when we literally spent 30 minutes capslocking in increasing intensity about how pathetic harry kim thought his life was? and then there was bones, and then the week of shame, and then the first smt (remember how hard we tried to stay up and talk even though we were both exhausted?) and then the second, and, idk, everything.

we've been sort of out of sync this year, haven't we? in the beginning of our friendship we liked everything together, and then we sort of liked one thing together and another thing separately, but this year our phases have been entirely our own. it's been a little weird! but it's also like -- testament to how ridiculous and wonderful our bond is, that that doesn't even MATTER, that it doesn't change anything. i love, so much, that at this point we're so confident in our ability to agree with each other, bourne from hundreds of discussions where we didn't even really have to explicate anything before the other was YES EXACTLYing, that we just like... assume the other one is correct. I KNOW SO LITTLE ABOUT BOND BUT I HAVE OPINIONS ABOUT IT, because i know if i had seen it i would agree with you. and i feel like that would sound rash to other people but it's SO NOT, it's just that i know from experience that you think like me and... god, how lucky am i to have found that?? you know? we always joke that we need another friend who can write us fic, but if you really stop and thing about it it's INSANE that we even have each other, bc we barely like anyone else in fandom.

i love how instinctive everything with us, how routined. i know you and you know me and that's... such an amazing thing to have, to have someone who cares enough about you to remember the silly things you like and the larger context of your life and the people in it. i can tell you the most inane story and you will care and listen to it and remember it and -- that is such an amazing thing and rare thing to have in a friend and a person, so thank you SO MUCH for being that person for me. you are the best friend a person could ever have and i can't believe you get to be mine. i love you and your terrible taste in food (esp compared to my obviously superior taste) and your hello kitty thing and your compulsive fic reading and the beautiful random girls you get attached to. i love the way you think, and your willingness to engage with me on so dumb things??? we've had some really good fic talk thanks to your 1d phase, you know! and some really good general talks based on how wrong your roommate is about everything. being your friend has seriously completely changed the way i engage with fandom IN GENERAL, you know? i was never nearly this personal canon focused because... i was never allowed to be, because it isn't as fun to make up stories and backstories when you don't have someone amazing to volley them off of. idk.

i love you. i seriously cannot even imagine my life without you. i feel so tied to you -- when you're happy i'm happier, and when you're sad i feel sad. i think you are such an incredible person, i really do. ONE IN SIX BILLION! i can't wait to share 2013, i hope it's a great one for you.


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