retrospective year in fanfiction meme (2011)

Dec 24, 2011 11:56

Total number of completed stories: 41 on lj + a ton of unarchived cracky shit floating around on my tumblr
Total word count: 104,852
Chronological breakdown:
untitled inception netizen au - inception; ariadne-centric
untitled social network rpf netizen au - the social network; jesse/andrew
life's too short for me to stop - the social network; mark-centric
andrew garfield and the no good very bad night - the social network; jesse/andrew
while our blood's still young (reckless abandon) - the social network; mark/eduardo
untitled andrew garfield/armie hammer - the social network
untitled tsn/inception (anthropomorphic)
untitled emma stone/carey mulligan
untitled erica albright/cameron winklevoss - the social network
untitled jesse eisenberg/his cats
untitled cl/seungri - kpop
untitled eduardo saverin/sean parker - the social network
untitled jesse eisenberg/david fincher - the social network
untitled mark zuckerberg/eduardo saverin - the social network
untitled jesse eisenberg/andrew garfield - the social network
untitled erica albright/eduardo saverin - the social network
untitled jesse eisenberg/mark zuckerberg - the social network
untitled jesse eisenberg/andrew garfield kink meme fill - the social network

i wanna be forgotten (and i don't wanna be reminded) - the social network; mark/eduardo

a five hundred word sentence about david fincher - the social network
walk walk fashion baby - the social network; mark/eduardo
mean girls au - the social network; jesse/andrew
mean girls/bandom fusion - the social network; jesse/andrew
mark/eduardo, alone in the deposition rooms - the social network
jesse/andrew, kissing for charity - the social network
like a boss - the social network; mark/eduardo

o christmas tree, o christmas tree, why did you have to fall on me? - kpop; jiyong-centric
on your own - harry potter; george-centric
war doth make true leaders of us all - harry potter; neville/luna/ginny
to die, to sleep - harry potter; george-centric
don't worry - harry potter; neville/luna

how to impart history to those yet to come - harry potter; hermione-centric
all these things that i've done - doctor who; amy pond-centric

sincerely yours, the breakfast club - the social network; mark/eduardo ♥
i guess we'll just have to adjust 02 03 - star trek xi; sulu/chekov
have been, and always shall be - star trek xi; kirk/spock
espionage, bitches - star trek xi; gen ♥
and ignite your bones - harry potter; weasley-centric

under imaginary circumstances 02 03 - star trek xi; kirk/spock
nothing hurts like your mouth - star trek xi; sulu/kirk/uhura
likewise - attack the block; pest/moses

Overall Thoughts:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? i actually wrote more than i thought i did, considering the months in between the academy awards in february and my trek resurgence at the end of october were pretty slim pickings wrt my writing, lol. would've liked to write more, but then, 100k+ is pretty ridiculous already. I'M PLEASED.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? star trek, i suppose? the 2009 renaissance on tumblr as a whole has been so much fucking fun. feelings everywhere, etc etc. i really need to get a move on finishing TOS so i know more about the characters! i haven't even gotten to chekov prime yet ;__; but yeah, it's such a sprawling franchise and i'm always learning a bunch of new shit about it. also, this time last year i was still trying to get over, idk, abject fear about writing in western fandoms apart from the social network, so. it's been nice getting rid of irrational shit like that.

What's your own favorite story of the year? oh, christ. good question. probably i wanna be forgotten (and i don't wanna be reminded), that mark/eduardo some boys don't leave au. some of the one-offs i wrote for the kids on tumblr (the shang-questioning-his-sexuality fic comes to mind) were also pretty fun.

Did you take any writing risks this year? the weird epistolary/non-linear narrative that makes up a lot of under imaginary circumstances was actually SO FUN to work with. god, alternative forms of fiction are my new literary love-but anyway, yes, yes i did.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? i have a half-formed outline/some snippets for this original fic i'm developing sitting on my hard drive! i tried and failed to complete the 25 days of writing meme on tumblr, so maybe i'll pick that up again too. and of course i have the 15k+ a:tla wip, seth/stefon fic, attack the block sequel fic, and a bunch of trek AUs in the making, so. yes. and maybe more delving into television fandoms that i've never written much for (parks, community, the other shit i watch, idk). here's to hoping next year is more prolific!

From my past year of writing, what was...
My best story of this year: NOT SURE, REALLY. my posting schedule was super erratic because i didn't really have a main fandom of any sort until the last two months of the year. 2011 was a gross transition-y period for me, for the most part.

My most popular story of this year: delicious/pinboard says under imaginary circumstances! and comment-wise, probably while our blood's still young (reckless abandon).

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: ERK IDK. maybe all these things that i've done? HARD QUESTION.

Most fun story to write: under imaginary circumstances, hands down.

Story with the single sexiest moment: nothing hurts like your mouth is essentially one long sexy moment?! kirk/sulu/uhura threesome porn, k, how can that not be sexy.

Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: i don't think i actually wrote anything that's considered socially unacceptable, tbh. everything this year was pretty tame. OH WAIT, LOL, I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SHIT: walk walk fashion baby, WHICH IS STILL PRETTY TAME ANYWAY? W H A T E V E R. and also there's a lot of weirdass crossover shit and cillian murphy and/or ezra miller rpf on tumblr as well. THEY WERE THE BEST OF TIMES, THEY WERE THE WORST OF TIMES.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: mm, and ignite your bones, mostly because i hadn't really thought of the repercussions of fred's death beyond how it would affect george (since, naturally, he'd be the one who was hit hardest). it was interesting trying to unwrap how the other weasleys would feel about it.

Hardest story to write: ugh, sincerely yours, the breakfast club, definitely, because i started it in like march and then dropped it for, what, six months? shame on me, tbh. GLAD I ACTUALLY PULLED THROUGH AND FINISHED THAT SHIT, THOUGH.

Biggest disappointment: andrew garfield and the no good very bad night, if only because i feel like i could've done more with it but was lazy and just posted willy-nilly. but-bygones, man, bygones.

Biggest surprise: the fact that i actually finished i guess we'll just have to adjust, since before that the longest piece of fanfiction i'd ever written was the 12k bradley/colin of yesteryear. 25K NOVELLA LENGTH SHIT, Y'ALL. momentous.

Most unintentionally telling story: all these things that i've done because IT IS ALL THE SHIT THAT I WANT FOR AMY POND BUT SERIES 6 TOSSED DOWN THE DRAIN. damn you, moffat.

ANYWAY, IF YOU SLOGGED THROUGH ALL THAT, KNOW YOU HAVE MY HEART. it saddens me that i haven't been as active on livejournal since tumblr took over my life, but then, this new fugly layout isn't really helping lj's case :|

SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL OF YOU! i hope you're all having wonderful breaks. ♥

i have a lot of feelings, fandom, life is great, most definitely incredible, fuck my fucking life, ily, #meme, words words words, everything went better than expected

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