lost :: episode 4.04
honestly, i thought the first two or three quarters of tonight's episode were kinda slow... not bad by any means. just kinda slow. i probably would've given the episode a 3 out of 5 if the last quarter hadn't picked up and rocked as much as it did. i loved the stuff with jack and kate having their little broken-heart-to-heart, and i loved the twist ending!! they totally got me going, thinking it would be sawyer's son, and bam - holy shit - it's frickin' aaron the boy wonder. (i guess my theory that claire's going to die from being so ridiculously hot is going to come true after all....)
i'm also starting to feel icky about locke.... for the most part, i've always been a locke fan, i've always liked how his character is trying so hard to do what (he thinks) is best.. but, man, now that he's in charge of others-ville, he's creeping the hell out of me. i think the power and frustration is getting the better of him. don't get me wrong, i think the writers are doing a great job - this seems to be the natural path for his character. i'm just worried that his natural path is gonna lead us somewhere dark. i think he's turning into the new ben, and it kinda freaks me out.
four quick things i noticed:
1) the lawyer chick was totally that woman in "star trek: next generation" that geordi la forge was having holodeck lust over. nice to see she has now done at least one other thing besides st:tng. :P
2) prison kate = HOT. i think some "prison babes gone wild" femslash fan fic is in my future...
3) hurley was watching xanadu.... awesome. :) now
that song's gonna be in my head for a week. (olivia newton john is so freakin' sexy in that video GGAAAHHHH)
4) i always mean to point this out, but then i forget. so this week i'm remembering: has anyone ever noticed that at some point in every episode, someone says the word "lost"? i know that isn't anything earth-shattering, but still.. every episode someone says it. don't believe me? go pop any episode in and see for yourself. just a random tidbit i always notice. it isn't exactly a word that people say on a daily basis, so i'm sure they do that on purpose.
anyway, good episode, especially the last few scenes. this season continues to be great. next week's looks rockin' cool -- looks like maybe we're getting a desmond flashback?forward. awesome. :) can't wait to see what happened with the helicopter crew!!!!!