Another old school survey

May 13, 2005 16:27

First best friend: Shannyn.. we were hanging together when she was still in my aunt karens tummy
First real memory of something: I remember this tiny little apartment that my parents and I lived in when I was little
First Job: hostessing at ferros
First screen name: KatyCam85
First self purchased album: Hanson. i was in love with taylor
First funeral: My pop pop's
First pet: my dog Bandit.. I miss that dog
First piercing/tattoo: piercing- ears tattoo- dragonfly
First credit card: Capital One.. those crazy people gave me a credit card
First true love: Andrew.. i still love ya boy
First enemy: i dont have an enemy. i mean yeah i have people who i dont like and i know there are probably a million people out there who dont like me but its not worth having enemies.
First big trip: flying to fl to visit my grandparents
First concert: hanson

Last big car ride: driving to orlando with kristen. that was a great weekend
Last good cry: when Zack died
Last library book: i dont remember
Last movie seen: chasing liberty
Last beverage drank: h20
Last food consumed: a slim jim
Last crush: m.d.
Last phone call: my mom
Last TV show watched: next on mtv
Last time showered: last night
Last shoes worn: black old navy flops
Last cd played: ying yang twins at my cousins house which im still at
Last item bought: gas if thats an item and then before that was a diet coke at ATC
Last ice cream eaten: i honestly cant remember the last time i had ice cream
Last shirt worn: im wearing an oooold roosters shirt since i came here to clean

-- Name: Katie Marie Campbell
-- Birth date: 04/24/85
-- Current Location: Tamarac, FL but im moving to Paris, Ky on june 8th
-- Hair Color: Brunettes have more fun!!!
-- Height: 5'4 1/2"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Your heritage: 1/2 native american and then a bunch of stuff from the other side but mostly Scottish
-- The shoes you wore today: black old navy flops
-- Your weakness: i think my weakness is probably people... whether it be not trusting people, trusting them too much, being too nice, being too mean.
-- Your perfect pizza: pepperoni and cheese or brocolli
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: record an album

-- Your most over used phrase on MSN/AIM: whats up?
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Ugghh I dont want to get up!!!
-- Your bedtime: Whenever I fall asleep
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

-- Smoke: what are we smoking? cigarettes suck. ive smoked weed but its not worth it.
-- Cuss: Ive dropped an F bomb once or twice in my day but im trying to curse less. its just not that pretty.
-- Sing: All day, everyday
-- Take a shower everyday: wait, you're supposed to shower everyday?! kidding
-- Do you think you've been in love: ive loved a guy but i havent been in love but hey, who knows that the future holds
-- Want to go to college: one day

Layer Six:
-- Liked high school: i couldnt wait to get out and now that im out i want to go back..
-- Want to get married: yeah
-- Believe in yourself: Of course I do, if I didnt then who would?
-- Get motion sickness: yeah on long trips or crazy amusement park rides
-- Think you're attractive: im not ugly..
-- Think you're a health freak: haha.. no.. i should eat better though
-- Get along with your parent(s): yeah my mom is my shoulder to cry on, my crutch to lean on and my best friend in the whole world, my "sperm donor" on the other hand... SUCKS!!!!
-- Like thunderstorms: yeahhh i can sleep 100 times better when its pouring outside
-- Play an instrument: no but i would love to learn how to play the drums

In the 6 past months...
-- Drank alcohol: yeah
-- Smoked: nope
-- Done a drug: nope
-- Had Sex: Nope..
-- Made Out: yeah
-- Gone on a date: nope
-- Gone to the mall: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: i dont think ive ever done that in my life so no
-- Eaten sushi: ewww no
-- Been on stage: Uhm nope not since drama in high school
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies:no
-- Gone skinny dipping: nope
-- Dyed your hair: nope
-- Stolen anything: i was at the mall christmas shopping with stephie and i accidentally walked out of a store with this little calendar in my hand. we didnt even notice until an hour later. im so dumb!!
-- Have you ever:
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: strip poker
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah may 3rd and now i dont drink anymore
-- Been caught "doing something": yeah a couple times, i guess thats what happens when you hook up at parties
-- Been called a tease: probably one day
-- Shop Lifted: yeah and i got caught and it sucked
-- Changed who you were to fit in: nope

-- Age you hope to be married: by the time Im 29
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2, i want a boy and a girl but i dont know about their names. i really like the name kemper for a boy though
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: It would be amazing to get married on a cliffside with just a handful of people but on the other hand i would love to have a huge wedding with red roses and my brides in red dresses
-- How do you want to die: in my sleep..
-- Where you want to go to college: UK
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: something in the entertainment business or a photographer.. when i take a beautiful picture it feels awesome
-- What country would you most like to visit: Fiji
In a boy... or girl:
-- Best eye color?: green
-- Best hair color?: brown.. blonde is soo0o played out
-- Short or long hair? short
-- Height: tall..
-- Best weight: it depends on their height, etc
-- Best articles of clothing: studded belts, hats, beanies, AF and AE shirts, striped polos, DC and Van shoes

-- # of people I could trust with my life: a handful if that
-- # of CDs that I own: i buy atleast 1 new cd a week so thats a hard one.. A LOT!
-- # of piercings: 1 in each ear and my tongue
-- # of tattoos: 1
-- # of scars on my body: about a gazillion. I was a tomboy and I played softball and im super clumbsy.
-- # of things in my past that I regret: a lot but hey, we cant live life in the past
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