Brettski you so sexi.

May 01, 2007 02:14

Life has been pretty great lately! I've been seeing all the people I've been needing to see. Everyone's been nice and chill. I'm really generally happy with everything again. I think it took a lot out of me to settle into life as an actual adult not living at home, even if I didn't notice it. That very may well could not have been the case, but I feel more comfortable if I have something to blame it on teehee. Basically I just need a haircut and I'd be super extra happy.

I'm pretty set on going to Costa Rica in like November. I figure if I live off my tips from now till then, pay rent with 1 cheque and SAVE the other, with all the money I would have saved I could go. If not Costa Rica SOMEWHERE. I figure Europe will take 2 tips. 1 for western europe, and another for more south-eastern. My aunt has a huge mansion in Greece.. and with going to Greece I'd want to go to Latvia, Romania, Kosovo and of course Austria to visit Odise, etc!

I love love love love working at Muddy Waters. I went to visit Erin at Subway and all she could talk about were the same old stories, and how the sales were. BORING. How are you NOW? What's your life been like? Like fuck. Get over it, you're being slave laboured at Subway and you're a lame asst. manager. I don't even wanna talk to Rachel after that. Fuck it. Karlese even completely peaced out on them too - went to Calgary for a week and just never came back to work. I told Katy, you're seriously so hot, and young and quick from working at that hell hole for 4 years. GET A SERVING JOB! With the money I'm making now, I'm just laughing about Subway. What a fucking joke.

Tonight I'm just visiting my mom and brother. When we pulled up we saw these two people doing 'door to door' shit and my mom is like 'brett, save me!' and im like 'it's probably for elections' sure enough it's 2 green party reps, one of them, Alan, is running for Ft.Gary. We talk for a bit and of course they know Shelaugh so we talk about her and her bike tour a bit. They told me that there WAS someone I could vote for in Ft. Rouge, Gerald Enns. So I'm pretty excited about that, and voting.

Happy May everyone! May brings many good things like flowers, Mira's birthday, my mother's birthday and lots of customers to MW! Also, Spider Man 3 comes out in May, and he also has an Aunt May. This makes me want to rewatch the movie May!

Best of all about my life is my boyfriend. I don't know what I'd ever do without him now and I'm so completely in love. it's the best.

C'est ca!
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