Так, значит, Всемирный день поэзии...

Mar 21, 2010 21:44

Поэзия, которую мы читали в школе с углублённым изучением английского языка

There was an old man of Peru,
Who watched his wife making a stew;
But once by mistake,
In a stove she did bake
That unfortunate man of Peru.

There was an Old Man of some rocks
Who shut his wife up in the box.
When she said, "Let me out,"
He exclaimed, "Without doubt.
You will pass all your life in that box."

There was an Old Person of Cadiz,
Who was always polite to all ladies;
But in handing his daughter,
He fell into the water,
Which drowned that Old Person of Cadiz.
(Эдвард Лир)

There once was a girl of New York,
Whose body was lighter than cork;
She had to be fed
For six weeks upon lead,
Before she went out for a walk.

There was a young fellow named Hall,
Who fell in the spring in the fall.
It would have been a sad thing
Had he died in the spring.
But he didn't - he died in the fall.
(spring - и "весна", и "родник"; fall - и "осень", и "обрыв")

An accident happened to my brother Jim
When somebody threw a tomato at him -
Tomatoes are juicy and don't hurt the skin,
But this one was specially packed in a tin.

стихи, ч/ю

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