Swedish Luggage Dwarfs???
I love me some NPR: Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me podcasting. This week's episode revealed a true story from Sweden.
Apparently some Swedish nogoodniks have taken to putting little people in luggage, then loading it on the busses. These diminutive ne'erdowells wait until the bus is on the road, then exit their conveyance, rummage through everyone else's luggage looking for valuables, and then hide back in their suitcase and wait to be unloaded, purloined goodies in hand.
What the heck is the world coming to when we have to watch out for Luggage Dwarves??
For the record, my blogging here has been almost nonexistent in recent months; part of this is due to my starting
http://losthemisphere.wordpress.com to blog random stuff and to have a bit more of a focus on VS System stuff.
Feel free to visit me over there, I'm trying to post there 3-4 times a week... as opposed to the once a month or here...
I'll still post here, just less frequently than in the lost hemisphere.