(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 17:11

General Info

General Info
1. Name:Caitlin
3. Location:London.
4. What Bands do you listen to other then Green Day?:
-The Killers,
-The Clash,
-The Smiths,
-The bravery,
-The rolling stones,
-The sex pistols,
-The White stripes
-The Beatles
-The Hives
-Simple Plan
-X-ray spex
I have alot...
5. Zodiac SignLeo

Personal Green Day Info/oppinions

6. How long have you been a fan?: 1 year and a half. I Did get into them in the American Idiot Era, But those aren't the first songs i listened to.
7. What's your favorite song music-wise? Why?:Waiting, i just like they way that song is formed.
8. What's your favorite song lyric-wise? Why?:Brain stew, i love the music video, but i think the song lyrics are really beautiful even though its quite hard rock..
9. Have you been to any concerts? How many? What was your favorite part of the concert?: I have never been to a Green Day concert..
10. How did Green Day impact you and your life? Quite alot actually. They completely changed my whole taste in music, i just loved the idea they had about the world and such, i find them a really Inspiring band.
11. Favorite member? Why?: Um, Billie Joe, But not because of his Physical Features. I just like him because of what hes got to say, he is a really cool guy, and his views on the American Goverment made me so proud that people will actually stand up for america.
12. Favorite Album? Why?: Warning, I like the type of rock music they have on that album, and i like how the album flows.
13. What's your favorite song off of:
1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours-Disappearing boy.
Kerplunk- One Of My Lies
Dookie- When I Come Around
Insomniac- Brain Stew
Nimrod- The Grouch
Warning- Waiting
Shenangians- Don't Wanna Fall In Love
American Idiot- JOS
14. What do you think of the new American Idiot Album? Explain thoroughly.: I think its good, i don't think its as good as their old stuff, but its okay. I like how they are Part songs.
15. Do you like the New Green Day or the Old Green Day better?:I think the Old Green Day. But only because they had a more rockin' form of Punk music. But there still just as good, but in a different way.
16. what do you find most annoying about people who aren't "true" fans?: Well, if you ask me, I don't think its really about "true" fans. I think its just about the ones that really care, I mean, does it make that much of a difference if you Spell Billie Joe's name wrong? Is it going to kill you? I mean yeah, i can see why people call themself "true" because they want to Differ from the "American idiot lovers" But if you ask me, it doesn't make that much of a difference, At least they still enjoy the Bands music.
17. Why do you think Green Day is different than the normal of their genre? Um. well I don't really, But i kinda think the difference they have with other pop/punk bands is that Green Day have style, and when they get dissed by bands such as "Silpknot" They just don't give a fuck. Now, if you diss "Good charlotte" They get really angry and up in your face, and then write a song about how you dissed them. But Green Day just stay coool about it which i think is cool..
18. What is you favorite thing about...
Billie - His personal views on the American goverment, and his voice
Mike- I love his guitar playing, and his dress sense is very cool.
Tre- He is really funny, I don't think anybody can describe Tre Cool. Hes just so awsome!
19. who do you relate to more? and why? Um.. Billie Joe, because he has done alot in his life, and he just managed threw it, and i am suprised he did. I have been threw alot in the past five years, which really make me depressed and sad, and i think i can just relate to him alot because of what i have gone threw, and which i still am..
20. who could you see yourself as friends with, tre mike or billie? *no stupid BILLY JO CUZ HE IS HAWT answers* Um Tre. I am quite a weird person when i come to think of it, so i think me and him would get along quite well. Also, i think i have a bit of humor in me, so that would go well with Tre.


21. What did Billie call his first guitar?: Blue
22. How long have Billie and Adrienne been married?: 11 years
23. Name the old drummer of Green Day (nickname + real name for extra points):John Kriftmeyer (nick-name "Al Sobrante")
24. Name all the albums in the order they came out:
-1039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours
-International Superhits!
-American Idiot
25.What was the band's old name?: Sweet Children
26. Name the band's current record label that they are currently with:Reprise Records.
27. Name 1 other instrument Billie plays other then the guitar:Drums
28. Name 1 other instrument Tre plays other then the drums:Guitar
29. Name 1 other instrument Mike plays other then the Bass guitar:Farfisa
30. What is the name of Mike's cafe?"Rudy's Can't Fail"
31. What is the name of the restaurant Billie Joe's mom worked at?"Rod's Hickory Pit"
32. What is Tre known for at the "Red Carpet moments"? Tre climbs on the Universal Studio Ball thing, does that make sense?
33. Their kids names
Billies Kids:
-Jakob "Danger"
Mikes kids:
- Estelle-Desiree
Tres kids:
-Franktitioy. or something..
- Ramonae. I don't think thats right.
34. name as many gd related bands as you can
-Pinhead Gunpowder: Billie joe's other band
-The Donnas: Tre went out with Donna C
-Sweet Children:Well this doesn't really count, but There old band name.
-the Lookouts: Tres first band
-Screeching Weasel: Mike was in this band
-Squirtgun: Mike sung a bit in one of this bands song, and i think wrote some of it.. i don't know
-Jimmy eat world: Went on tour with Green Day
-Simple plan: Went on tour with Green Day
-Blink 182: Went on tour with Green Day
35. how they all met and became Green Day Green Day started with Mike and Billie Joe, At first they were called the "Sweet childern" And there dummer John Kriftmeyer. They then made there first album "1,039 smoothed out slappy hours" But right before they published the alubum, they changed there name to "Green Day". After there first album, John quit the band to go to collage, And Then they found Tre cool (well didn't find Tre cool, they were friends with them already, they just asked if he would be the drummer). Then they made there second album "Kerplunk" with the New drummer Tre! Yeah, and so.. thats pretty much how Green Day started.
36. Gilman and how that impacted their career I suppose Gilman, i think you mean 924 Gilman Street, hopefully i am correct, is a place for Punk rock bands to start off. But if Green Day did go to this area, it obviously did do alot for their carrer.
37. Lawrence Livermore. Who he was and how he impacted Green Day. Um, i don't know who he is, but i think he knew mike drint. I have heard of the name, but i don't really know anything about him. I think he was a producer.

Why Are You So Special? I am not special, everyone is in there own way (sound like a cheesy mother.)

38. Why should we accept you? (make it detailed):Um, well i think you should mostly accept me for being a Green Day fan, and wanting to be in the commuinty. I mostly want to be in the commuinty because its for Green Day fans and i think its good that people love Green Day as much as me

39. Who referred you?: What___if

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