The weather. That time. Current situations. I dunno, but something is bringing me down greatly. And suprisingly it's not the home situation. Craig's mad at Jennifer now, so he's acting like nohting's wrong, and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. I'm cranky, and not afraid to admit it. I'm pissing myself off because I'm being stupid as hell. But it's not helping. I'm about to go redhead on my own ass. That's quality right there.
I can remember when I was in London with Trish the dish, at Mme Trousseau's, and we were in the planetarium. Now, we all know that I am a bit off. I was laying there and I stepped into the weird far unknown. I wondered.... what if one thing had been different. It could be one tiny miniscule thing, but it could have changed the course of your life.
I know you cant ponder on the what-ifs. You can't regret things. But it's still interesting to wonder. What if I had said this differently. Or done that instead.
Worried about Brian --- I havent talked to him in about a week. Just realized that...
I was just reminded... that taters make everything better. It's only somewhat helping though. Still cranky. I cant decide if i'm more down or more pissed off. Vacillating between the two keeps me from thinknig about the stuff that's making me pissy, so I guess it works out ok ;)