Movie Reviews

Apr 30, 2006 14:02

Sorry for lack of updating. A lot has been going on. My grandmother passed away back in March, then my aunt just left this week and she was here for a week so I was with her. I'm done with school though so yay about that. Not sure if I mentioned it before but I also got accepted to a university that I applied to. So yay about that. A lot of papers to fill out and do.

Anyway here are some more movie reviews. I think I'm going to make a community for this but for now here you go. Comments are appreciated:

  • Tristan & Isolde [8 stars]: Basically a story related to the concept of Romeo & Juliet. A forbidden love. Great movie. I really liked it. Kinda sad so that's why I didn't give it a 9 but it's worth watching. It's not really a total drama. It has a couple of action scenes as well. It was very well directed. Good movie overall. Worth watching.

  • Fun with Dick & Jane [9 stars]: Starring Jim Carrey. This movie... is hilarious! I laughed a lot watching this. And I've seen it more than once. Maybe 2 or 3 times. Very funny movie. Jim Carrey is always entertaining so you can't go wrong with him. He made the movie very enjoyable. Hilarious ending so that's what made it even better. This one is a definite recommendation to all.

  • Last Holiday [9 stars]: I have seen this movie 3 times so far. It is hilarious! I recommend this to everyone. It's a MUST see. It has Queen Latifah in it and she's an amazing actress. It's basically about a Georgia (played by Queen Latifah) is diagnosed with an illness. So she will die in 3 weeks. LL Cool J also played in this movie as well, who plays the character of Shaun and they both like each other. It sounds like a sad plot but you HAVE to see it. It's so funny. Highly Recommended.

  • The Family Stone [7 stars]: I was expecting more from this movie since so many known actors and actresses were in this movie. Such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Diane Keaton, Claire Daines, Dermot Mulroney, Luke Wilson and others. It takes a while to pick up in the beginning which is probably what bothered me. But as you can see I gave it 7 stars. Not that low. So it's not a bad movie. Funny at times. Nice movie to see though. I liked it. Here's the plot: A far too uptight business woman accompanies her boyfriend to his family's annual Christmas celebration and finds that she's a fish out of water in their way of life. She calls her sister to accompany her but that only brings even more complications. It's an interesting twist in the end which ended up to be good after all.

  • Rumor Has It [7.5 stars]: Starring Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner & Shirley MacLaine. I wasn't sure what to give this movie. So I just put it as a 7.5. Almost 8. It's funny. Basically the concept about Kevin Costner's character slept with 3 generation of women: the grandmother, the mother & the daughter lol. And the story was documented in a book called "The Graduate" and the daughter (Jennifer Aniston) finds out that it's about her family so she wants to find out if this man is her father or what. Interesting movie. I liked it. Worth watching.

  • Prime 7 stars: I would have rated it higher but I didn't like the ending. It has 3 good actors/actresses in it: Uma Thurman, Meryl Streep, & Bryan Greenberg (who plays Jake on One Tree Hill). It's basically about how Uma's character goes to a shrink and gets a boyfriend and tells her all that's going on. What she doesnt realize is that her shrink's son is her boyfriend. Yeah it's interesting. It was cute and funny. I found it interesting that Bryan's character was an artist. Because in the show he acts in, OTH, his g/f - Peyton - is an artist. So that's just an interesting thing I caught on. But anyway yeah its cute to watch. Mostly a chick flick to be the honest.

  • Syrianna [3 stars]: I expected more from it. Especially from all the hype about it and how it's won all these awards and they're so proud of it and blah blah blah. ...I didn't like it... I guess because it was more of a political film. The beginning was confusing. The middle I got to understand what was going on a bit but still had it's confusing parts. But then the ending sucked. Yeah it gets the message across but w/e. Ppl say u gotta watch it more than once to enjoy it. If I didn't enjoy it the first time, then I'm not going to watch it a 2nd time.
    Why 3 stars then? 1) George Clooney, 2) Matt Damon, & 3) It shows u the real impact about terrorism and how corrupt everyone is just over pathetic oil. So that part was well played out. And that's basically the main focus about it. The Arabs and their relationship with the US and all that stuff. I never understood much about George Clooney's character. But w/e. It's not really a movie I'd recommend. Sorry for those who might like it. But I didn't. And to be honest, I think I fell asleep for a few minutes watching it.

    That's all. The End.
  • reviews, movies

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