Oct 23, 2004 14:20
umm thursday at work i walked in and the vet had a dead dog in front of him and he was cutting the dog open. i actually saw him rip its stomach. then i had to clean all the blood and all that and i thought i was gonna throw up. it smelled horrible.
last night i went to the forest of fear with brianne, dawn, and jen simons. it was fun. i got spit on by two old people (dressed up that way). saw some other people there but didnt really talk to them. and i got three messages on my phone from someone i dont know and all 3 messages were staticy and kinda creepy.
today im going down to pomona to see if i can get the place where i volunteered to make a recommendation thing for NHS. then some shopping i think. and tonight im hoping to go to museum village and scare the little kids even though i wont be dressed up and im not on the list to volunteer there tonight.
mest/punchline/Hawthorne heights/bayside concert friday!!! woot woot!
gotta go. later