Oct 30, 2005 21:17
This isn't a fanfic but something regarding a fanfic posted here called Chosen Destiny. I am eventually going to repost it. But please read this and I am sorry if this spoils the fic for you if you want you can wait till the repost is up which will be soon then read this. Leave a comment with your opinion please.
Chosen Destiny is going to be all reposted and redone to the best of my ablities. I dont have microsoft word nor will my computer let me download it. I have no one to BETA it for me because most people can't stand the fact that I killed Aaron off. I don't know what I am do with him probably nothing. As for Billy and Chris, they aren't dead if you actually read up to chapter five you'll see that. I'm sorry if I am acting immature about this, but this is the way I feel. This story came to me as a spur of the moment thing after watching the X-Files movie. Speaking of the X-files, I've got a lot of questions where I get my character's personality from. My character is based on both Mulder and Scully.She is a believer in aliens, yet she is an ice queen as well. She doesn't trust any one and has no parents and saw her brothers abducted. Sound familar well it should. She is mainly based on one more than the other and any real X-files fan can figure out who. I expected this to be only about five chapters long. But no I made it to twenty. You can tell when I go off track a bit but still it isn't that bad. When this started I had no story before and I didn't plan on writing a sequel but here we are two years later with a prequel, a sequel and a sequel to the sequel. Now if you can't deal with my grammar/spelling/vocab, then offer to BETA for me and actually go through all twenty chapters. They aren't long most are like a paragraph if that. Thanks for your time