Nov 14, 2005 18:45
soooo i realized that its gon take me 8 years to get my car! syke no not 8 years but longest til april which sucks assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss but maybe sooner cuz i might start working like crazy over the weekends...which will suck but w/e ill do it cause i need mah cah! im gon pimp that baybayy itll be sweet
this weekend was rly fun, friday i went to cols after school, chizzled for a bit watched made with lauren kim cait n col went home for a bit then col cait n lauren picked me up to go to the game. which we lost. rrrrrr. we then got in an altercation with a giant gangstah...cause col skribbled on his car cause he parked in a NO PARKING PLACE. and if you know lrs student lot you knoooooooooooow you cant push were you park cause you will cause madnesss i tell you! w/e it was fun tho. then we went to mcdonalds and got abouuut 25$ worth of food. went to cols ate it all. watched how to lose a guy in 10 days. then i went home n slept.
saturday was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. like whoa. the day went as such:
woke up
out to store
got food for the favorites
did hw
filled out scholarship apps
made cookies
GAME NIGHT! with carrie carly chel n fil (andrew had work :(:(:(:(:(:( )
played games (and by games i mean balderdash lol)
went to panera (KRAZY CAR RIDEEEE!)
got soupy!
got love actually from chelseas
went back to my casa
watched love actually
and chiiiiiiiiiilled!
it was so much fun we are having another one the weekend after next IM EXCIIIIITED! LIKE WHOOOOA!
lol this weekend will be fun 2.
friday im chillen with fillen n chel?
saturday im going to see hp with andrew and then im chillen with carrie possibly... yay itll be a good weekend!
sunday work duh. lol well i guess ill catch you kids on the flip side. but remember after winter comes spriang yo!