vampires ARE real.

Oct 10, 2005 17:29

k so homecoming sats stress IS OVER! yesssssssssssssssss im so freaking happy. last week was the worst!!!! blehhhh! this week=:):):):) lets sum it up...sats=not so bad but still TERRIBLE.
pregnant women as proctors = laughs! omg how many times can u open and close a window? about a bagilion! lol she was cute tho. i shouldnt have told her i know lauren cause she kept asking me about her but w/e. so that was ok, i talked to ashley tim fil and pika before hand cause we were all there, saw brittany and carly for a minute, just long enough to say good luck. it wasnt so bad.
so after sats i had to run! i mean runnnn! to the mall to order dicksons bourtinere, then home to get my room clean enough so that i could not forget anything that i needed for lilys to get ready, then pack my stuff, then RUUNNNN back to the mall to pick up dicksons boutinere! ah! then back home cause im dumb and forgot my camera (btw who does that?), then to lilys to get ready! relaxation...kinda. so runing around in a big mess of dressed, make up, and hairspray trying to get ready, time flies when you havin fun! then soon enough i was ready and waiting for the dates the arrive. dickson was on time (SURPRIZE!) but he walked from his car to lilys in the pouring rain???? w/e then we waited for everyone to get there, more people start piling in, then more, soon enough its even more, pretty soon we count about 30 people at lilys, lemme tell you it was NUTS! lol tried to take some pics (check em out at
then we were off, me, col, andrew a., and dickson drove together. we met up with caitlyn and ben at the church but...NOTHING WAS THERE. so we had to go get stuff...we got it and it was fun. tried to didnt work we felt nothing. go to the dance and after like 2 minutes worth of drama we were in! can i just say OMFG! it was fun really fun. i danced with everyone. except my date really lol but i didnt really care. i got to dance with all my boys! :) danced with jason for like ever, and frankie was awesome duh! tim was tim and loads i cant remember. best part of the dance...when carly britt and lindsay came up to me and jason and we all sang golddigger...aka the best song in the history of the world.period.endofstory. after homeocming it took us like a year to figure out what was going on, finally we went to colleens, had loads of fun, PARTIED IT UP.seeing gary was amazinnnng! lol wont go into detail but..yea
sunday i had to clean my room and workkkk! ahhhhhh! :( oh n do hw...not a fun day :(
today was a day,school is school to sum it up i saw a vampire.
thursday we dont have school so ashley chelsea and laura are coming over to have a laguna beach marathon and eat some chinese! yummm! so fun so fun! im excited. this week will be much more relaxed than last week...THANK god.
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