It seems that this time of year for the past 3 years has been nothing but bad luck for my family.
2002 around this time, my grandma died. I lived with her my whole life and she was the center piece of my family. She died, and the family died. Everything revolved around her. Christmas was HER holiday. The house was always filled with relatives and her decorations were so beautiful that there was a picture in the newspaper every year. She was the coolest grandma EVER! All my friends loved her, she was like a second mom.
Monday nights were spent watching wrestling. She was the biggest Stone Cold fan that I knew. And for her being 74, that was awesome. It always made me laugh til I cried when she would raise her hands up in the air, slowly bringing her middle finger up on each hand and screaming 'CUZ STONE COLD SAID SO!'.
Or, every winter she'd go to Florida and come home with a new bottle of fart perfume, which she would drinch all of my brothers friends in when they weren't paying attention.
And every once inawhile I will stumble on a birthday card that she had given me. Actually, they were Christmas cards and you'd open them up and she's write in them 'Sorry, this isn't a birthday card, but, it's all the same! Happy Birthday, pretty girl. Love Gramm.'
I'll cherish all those memories of her. And it's hard living in her house without her, and seein' all of the pictures of me and her...and her not being here..period.
And this year...on Nov 25, being stepdad's dad died. Yeah, I wasn't as close to him as I was my grandmother. But, he was around for 11 years, so, I mean, I was somewhat close to him. And my stepdad is a mess. It's hard to know what to do in times like these. I mean, I know how he's feeling. My dad died in November of 94. He was murdered. I was 10. But, my stepdad has never lost anyone close to him before. His dad is the first. And he was there when he died, so he had to watch him suffer. It's terrible.
I just don't like the holidays anymore.
Just please, even if you barely know me, keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. I may not deserve it, but, my family does.
R.I.P Walter Reed