Oct 30, 2004 10:54
so it's been a few days and what not. this week has been nothing but crazyness. and no sleep. i can't operate without sleep. and i definetly figured that one out this week. i came so close to just blowing every article of homework off, not matter the importance just to get some sleep. i was totally unrational. angery, depressed. i could go on. but instead i just buckled down and did it. and now i have sleep. amen to that.
yesterday malinda, jess and i hung out in guidance the whole last block. good stuff right there. they didn't even care. and they have better chairs than mrs. p's no offense hehe, and better chairs than senior study hall. i vote i move my study hall there. XD kidding. but it was fun. then i came home and read all night. i went to wegmans and got a shoppers clubby card thing. oh yea who rocks? not me. so i came home talked to jess and went to bed. also had an interesting dream. and i think i still have to explain that other one to someone. do i? tell me cuz i will.
so this morning i wrote a poem or something i dont know what you call it. but its been on my mind for awhile, so i decided to finally get it out of my system. so here goes. first one i've actually ever posted. but don't laugh thats all i need. its just a way for me to channel thoughts, so they don't collect and just bother me forever. anyways here it goes. and im going to go and read after this, and take a shower. so i can go into papa's today and go to church and some other stuff. i'll write more later on how im scared or something about losing my roots from my papa's house. something crazy that you can laugh at me for.
Questions Unheard
Why is it so much to ask to be happy?
But you don’t have to ask to be sad?
It just happens.
I’m not asking for the world.
Just some time to be myself,
And not have a care in the world.
To be happy,
And free from the sorrows in my world.
Now I’m not asking for love.
I’m just asking for something,
To make my heart skip a beat,
My stomach sink with anticipation,
Just something.
Not love. Not yet.
Just something to fill the void.
I don’t ask for much.
This much I do.
Why is it too much to ask to be happy?
But you don’t even have to ask to be sad?
When you see all the faces, eyes red, burning,
Heads tilted towards the floor.
You walk like you aren’t anyone.
I wanna break out of this feeling.
I wanna be free, and be me.
I want my friends to break free.
So tell me why it is so much to ask…
To just be happy?