(no subject)

Oct 10, 2006 01:33

HI GUYS!!! so not too much to update about because I really have no life other than school and work. :) Tomorrow Heather and me are going to see Goodcharlotte in concert which is freakin awesome cuz 1) they rock my socks 2) I haven't had the chance to do anything fun since before college and 3) its with heather. :)

Work is ok, I don't really like it all that much but not many people like their jobs so its ok. I get paid well so it makes up for it. ....it seems all i ever update about is work lol i'm sorry. But Sat I thought it was the 9 instead of the 8th and so i saw a bunch of preped veggies and meat that expired on the 8th later in the day and deffinatly threw it out. *smacks head* after i threw it all out i relived that it was in fact the 8th and so i threw it out for no reason. I preped everything like no freakin other. haha. my bread turned out good and i make awesome cookies. they didn't brun this time!! heck yes! hehe !!!!!DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THE DRUNKS??????? haha if i did then skip this next sentences. They are so awesome some of the time cuz they give ME money. like they freakin tip me for making them a sub! how cool. it makes me happy. :)

ok you can pay attention to me again. lol So for my writting assignment 3 we had a "group confrence" with the teacher and like 3 other people about what our topics were going to beand the one chick totally took mine so i had to come up with an other one cuz i didn't want her to thnk i was coping her and stuff, so i deffinatly pulled a topic out of my ass. BUt it will be intresting to research about. the topic is...Are Men Oppressed? yup thats my topic. PLUSS she told me that to make it good and stuff to interview some guys to see if they even relize that they're oppressed. ...Which is true, guys are oppressed(maybe noot so much as woman lol) they're are not as oppressed as they use to be though. Now it's normal to see guys wearinng pink and eyeliner with long hair. :) (Guys with eyeliner are hott)

ummm i think thats about it for now. HEY GUESS WHAT BEFORE I GO!! I updated and i wasn't even nudged!! GO ME :D
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