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christalblu July 20 2010, 17:06:19 UTC
Not have to should. Celebs are their own business...Tom Cruise for example is more then himself, he's become a corporation of sorts. Once they hit that status they are expected to do as other corporations do and that's participate in Corporate philanthropy (p://nonprofit.about.com/od/glossary/g/corpgiving.htm) CP is about giving back to the community and those who put you there. Its about growing communities and in an economy such as ours, it is participating in economic growth in hard times. So while it may seem that people who are on the Cruise level of celebrity should be just able to make their millions on the backs of the poor and severl of them do. It's not the best way to market themselves because when I know of someone who dosen't bother to give back to those who've helped (because we pay to see their films and such)I don't bother to see their movies. If people don't see their movies because they don't bother to give then they fall out of the lime light and guess what they aren't famous anymore. I think you're seeing them as just people and not what they've turned themselves into..corporations and companies that employ several people and need to stay marketed in order to continue to be allowed to make the money they do. And while im not a big corporation, I told you I do particpate in corporare phillanthropy by giving back to the community (I just auctioned off a hat) and other charities (I give back to the birds). Its not about solving the worlds problems cause they won't but they can as corporations give back and thats something that should be done weather your corporation is Tom Cruise or Christal Blu Creations. So lets get out of the mode of greed and maybe there won't be another need for a french style revolution where the poor are shooting the rich in the streets.


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