I'm sad, i know :D

Mar 25, 2005 01:49

Okay, i complain all the time that im bored and this is what i do when im bored, QUIZZES! yep folks, run for your lives, its attack of the quiz and ive done a few of them too! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Horror Punk!

Tho often mistaken for a goth, you're heart is in
punk. You just have a more fun approach to it.
Makeup, leather, studs & spikes, and a
halloween is everyday attitude, make you a fun
person to be around! Bands of this genre are
most commonly the Misfits, and related bands.
Check out www.deathrock.com/antiworld for a
great Northwest band!

What type of punk are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a true maggot! You know almost all there is
to know about this amazing band we call
SlipKnoT! Stay [sic], MAGGOT!!

Are you a maggot?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the quiz: "Your Psych-Ward diagnosis"

Diagnosis: Schizophrenia.A psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought (as in hallucinations and delusions), and conduct -- called also dementia praecox.

Take the quiz: "What is YOUR terror alert color?"

Awww! Isn't it cute. Your terror alert color is Green (LOW). You are so blissfully naive. Your delusions of peace are as ironically boundless as the hate in this world.


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a Tattoo...
You are a little bit conservative and old school
but it's so hot!!You are very awensome ,but the
majority of people misjudge you..

What kind of Body-modification are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are an ordinairy cutter. And that's nothing
negative, except for the cutting. You just cut
yourself when you feel angry, depressed or
empty, and not because you try to hide your
real self, or because you want to forget
someone you really love(d). You are just
yourself, and I respect that.

What Kind Of Cutter Are You? (~TrIgGeRiNg~ pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the quiz: "What piercing are you?"

You're not one of the popular kids, but who cares? you like it that way. you would rather die than be part of their crowd. you may doubt yourself at times but you know you're cool!

You Are.. Benji

Are you Benji or Joel from GC?
brought to you by Quizilla

Flying V ~ Rock on mother fucker...you keep rock
alive and everyone wants you but you set your
standards really high so no one gets you...you
are also very hard to settle down with

What kind of guitar are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

LOL! hope you er, have fun reading them! lol and doing them to fing out what you get! lol yeh i no, im SAD!!!!!!!!
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