Sep 11, 2007 03:21
definitely havent updated in forever. this is going to be short. i cant sleep right now because im in too much pain. summer was good. i worked at walmart as an intern and loved it. for every 10 customers that complain about their prescription and yell at you about something you cant control at all, theres 1 customer that goes out of their way to thank you for being helpful to them. and thats all i need to have job satisfaction. thats not sarcasm ps. im a big nerd and i love the field im in and i love to be able to feel like i helped someone by suggesting a cheaper drug in the same category and getting their therapy changed to help their budget. yes big nerd here. anyway. still dating the boyfriend. hes pretty much the best. i like him a lot. hes a huge sweetheart and takes care of me all the time. endometriosis is back in full swing causing a tremendous amount of unbearable pain. im waiting for the latest zoladex injection to kick in and im praying it will make me feel better. there was a big problem sorting out my meds for it this summer so instead of getting it solved then we of coruse had to wait until the friday before school started to get me an injection. its really hard to not be bitter. but the boyfriend definitely helps. hes incredibly supportive. im in an apt by myself. but he basically lives here. his apt is more of an office for him. im only taking 3 classes this quarter and one of them is elementary french which should be really fun. so im really really hoping i can pass things and progress in pharmacy. so i lost my wallet today. somewhere between the campus mailroom and getting back to my apt. im hoping i dropped it in the mailroom and they just have it behind the counter for me. i really wouldnt even care if someone took the cash i had in there as long as i could get all my cards back. its just a huge pain to have to call and get new debit cards set up. plus my sweet gap card is in there and my walmart discount card and my intern license card. and my drivers license. yeah. i need that back. its real lame of me to update and just complain. but its kind of been a crappy past few weeks. i am online all the time again now though. i was never on in the summer cause i was always either working or hanging out with the baby. so you all can look for me on the aim again. i do have a crappy wireless connection here though. so oh wellll. ps i turn 21 on the 22. thats in less than two weeks everyone. and its on a saturday. you know in case anyone wants to come celebrate. haha. well love kisses and best wishes to all of you until i remember that i have a livejournal again in several weeks/months and update.