so i last updated like two months ago and i will now give you the run down in short bulleted form
- endometriosis is temporarily solved (knock on wood), i get a monthly injection and i am pain free it is fabulous
- i pulled a b in biochem last quarter which made me really proud of myself
- onu accused me and my lab partner of academic dishonesty in a 1 credit lab and failed us
- they dont offer it as a summer class but theyre thinking of doing it now
- if its not a summer class then i get to graduate a year fucking late in pharmacy
- i had spring break and worked like 36 hours and babysat five nights good times good times
- ive spent a lot more time with danny in the past month than i have all year and i love it
- christina and dylan are coming to visit for little sibs weekend
- im switching antianxiety meds and currently im a basket case
- my car broke down over break so i have my moms right now
- my car is fixed but in steubenville
- im getting another sweet zoladex injection friday probably in the parking lot or bathroom of a restaurant off of route 30
- pringles makes these new things that are parmesean garlic flavored and theyre fucking amazing
- i learned how to make the applebees sangria and the triple chocolate meltdown, both of which also amazing
- i am so good at being domestic when i feel like it
- lastly and probably most informative of this update... i have a boyfriend and i like him