Jan 25, 2006 20:00
so its been a while since ive updated. um. work still sucks. a lot. i still dont have a schedule there. its like five minutes before we're leaving that day and im told whether or not to come in the next day. yeah thats real cool when i have to plan out the rest of my life. speaking of the rest of my life. classes = lame. stats is the stupidest class ever. it goes so fucking slowly. the lady teaches like we are kindergardeners. and im like ahhhhh. and pretty much the same thing with physics. but i like physics guy cause he tells all these cute science jokes and gives us handouts that have cute science jokes on them. and for some reason he knows my name. i kind of want him to like be my uncle or something. i would say grandpa but hes not old enough. and biochem is at franny so yeah its going quite lame so far. fuck parking at vaccaro and walking to cosmos and damien. way too long of a walk in the cold. itd be cool if it was spring. or just not freezing out. but its like yeah i drove here i might as well fucking walk. hmm and my head is throbbing now. im kind of feeling just passing out and going to sleep now. hmm what else. i hung out with the baby this weekend it was sweet. we watched the goonies. the baby is a baller. and then i watched a real baby on sunday. and then i hung out with alyson/ her roommate/ her leprechaun. it was also a good time. yeah and now that ive bored you all to tears i think i shall take my exit. you know to go sit on the couch and do nothing or maybe sleep. yes at 8pm.