Once A Time In Mexico

Dec 18, 2006 02:44

Well, we watched Once Upon a Time in Mexico Saturday night, and I loved it. Antonio Banderaz was amazing, just as he was in the first one. And Johnny Depp amazed me, he played a sort of con-man and something totally different from what ne normally does. And in the end, when they've cut out his eyes and blood is pouring down his face, I never thought he'd looked as beautiful as he did then. That sounds really sick&&twisted, but whatever.
Today we moved my Gramma, and all the kids got paid right? Except me. That hurts, but whatever. We played some baseball also and got one last picture in OUR tree before we said goodbye. I wanted to cry, I still want to cry. So many memories in that house, and now it's all ending. 
Oh, and someone trashed my room this weekend. [My mom or Luke] i mean TRASHED, they through my shit all over the place, and it's still pissing me off. 
Oh, see? Isn'tJohnny Gorgeous with a bloody face?

actually, in looking for this picture just now, I found some interesting information about Johnny. I'll post it under a cut.
[I'm too nosey]

Johnny Depp has said he doesn't know the origin of his surname, but he repeatedly jokes that the name translates to "idiot" in German (which is actually true in German slang).[2] Depp's maternal great-grandmother, Minnie, was a full-blooded Cherokee,[3] and his father also has distant Cherokee heritage. The family was constantly on the move during Depp's childhood, and he and his siblings lived in more than twenty different locations, finally settling in Miramar, Florida in 1970, when he was 7. Depp engaged in self-harm as a child, owing to the stress of dealing with family problems and his own insecurity. He has seven or eight scars from practicing self-harm. In a 1993 interview, he explained his self-injury by saying that his "body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist".[

The whole article on him his here at wikipedia:
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