Heh, can I fucking cry now; or is that too much too fucking ask?

Sep 12, 2006 18:28

I've decided that for one day, I'm not going to fucking care about my friends. I'm going to cry. I'm sick of being depressed beyond all belief like I have been but having to take care of myself, thus bringing me farther down mentally and such. I know this can't be healthy, and though Ilove being there for my friends no one's there for ME. they all say they are, but when I try to explain what's going on half the time they ignore me. Is it because my problems are more then petty school drama? I believe so, and it hurts deeply. And I don't care how many "you know im here for you" comments I get after this. Talking is one thing my dears, but ACTING upon your WORDS is another. Which no one does.
At the moment I wish everyone could be happy, but that ain't going to happen anytime soon. Hell, I'm not even happy at the moment how can I expect others to be? Right now I just need a hug, this past week or so has worn me down. I feel as if there's nothing else I can say or do for people. Emotionally exhausted, is that possible? i believe it is now, pathetically enough. 
I'm crying now.
And once again trying to help someone.
I'm tired.
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