Apr 11, 2009 22:03
Its normal for someone to feel lonely,
fell hurt, sad, down and pissed off.
whenever we feel like this
we often thought that there's nothing that can take this horrible feeling away
we think that this feeling will stick here with us forever,
but whenever we feel that way,
there's always something that take away that feeling,
then we realize it, God is fair, he make everything in order to be fair,
when we feel bad, he'll sent someone to cheer us up and make us realise that we are not alone,
when we're down he'll send someone who'll be able to say you can do it,
when we're hurt, he'll send someone who will heal us,
Everything happen for a reason, we learn from our experience
what important is to always care and love for everyone around us,
Only by doing this will we be able to feel happy and everyone around us will be able to feel what we feel...