Digest of twits!

Jan 15, 2009 09:13

  • 15:22 @ blinc even if people had drugs to grow longer eyelashes i am sure they would wear mascara anyway to make them even longer #
  • 16:46 check out what i am working on with the skin maker is.gd/fUmy quick demo opinions plz i think its cool! #
  • 17:51 going to the gym. i am an athelete.! #
  • 21:38 O HELLO GALAPAGOS IN real world brooklyn. oh well that is what my glance told me . except they went to a \ "VIP LOUNGE" , lol #
  • 21:43 @ mendelini oh then i gues that explains the "VIP LOUNGE" i was mad for a second like, i used to twirl batons there and i dont get togo in it #
  • 21:43 BUT LOSER from the real world do?! #
  • 22:05 oh my god the holy man from utah on the real world is totes gay. if he came out as a 'sinner' ( he said that not me!) on the show that ... #
  • 22:16 i really want to see NOTORIOUS this week, yay! it got like 53% on the rotten tomatoes,which isnt bad for a rapper biopic i suppose. BIGGY! #
  • 23:44 this 'aviary' flash based photoshop thing "PHOENIX" is INSANELY AWESOME ! is.gd/f3Cu thanks @wello #
  • 23:56 whee BLENDER do my bidding! #
  • 00:50 is.gd/fWXw trailer for Brett Easton Ellis: The Informers. it was a sucky book in my opinion but.. here's to hoping? looks flashy. #
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