Sep 23, 2004 16:04
So, I've been collecting random quotes at school. Some are things that were said to me, others I just overheard. A few are a bit depressing to hear in an institution of higher learning, especially the fifth one. Here's a sampling:
“That fucked me the freak out.” - Theresa
“He's a Czech saxophonist and he's prematurely grey. How can you not be friends with someone like that?” - Some girl
“What's up with people having pets and not getting them high?” - Some stoned girl
“The first ferret we ever babysat got high and drunk on the same night.” - Some other stoned girl who has apparently babysat multiple ferrets
Girl 1: “I thought buffalos were, like, extinct.”
Girl 2: “No, not anymore.”
“I'm Sarah Newby, and I'll be your treasurer and your secretar-shit, does anyone have paper?” - Sarah N.
“So, you guys [graduate in], like, '08 and shit? That's so trippy!” - Rachel, a senior