Bleh...I hate being sick

Mar 31, 2005 18:03

Yesterday, my sister was freaking out because I was online during her turn (even hours). She's twelve, but she acts like more of a typical teenager than I do. She was screaming at me, and started to run upstairs, saying she was going, "To tell mom you're taking my turn!" I yelled at her, "If you do that, I'll show her your xanga!" Stopped her in her tracks. Heheh. She has swearwords on it, which would get her very grounded. I thought it was funny, but she didn't seem to.

So, it turns out that I am sick because of that speech I gave yesterday; I stayed up until 1 due to procrastination. Go me. I did the speech on Megan Whalen Turner, a favorite author o' mine. If you haven't read The Thief, read it. Now. It is very, very good.

Anyway, I was up half the night last night as well, because of my cold and cramps/backache. Periods suck ass. I wasn't going to go to school today, but it's the last day before spring break, and I had a test I had to take. So, I slept in until nine, then went. And now, after a nice day yesterday (70's!), it is all rainy and wet. Just in time for spring break.

I had bizarre dreams last night...Something with baby hamster corses behind my bookshelf, and hamster running around. And I played a weird pokemon game against people from my school...Weird.

I wish I could fly. I keep having these dreams where I can, and they are so real. They make me want to jump off my roof, and see if I can. I know, logically, I can't. But it would be fun...

Two days ago, my friends, who live down the road, were playing football. Apparently, one of the guys they were playing with (I don't know him) took a hard hit, and he's paralyzed now. I don't know how paralyzed, but he's still in the hospital. Life sucks.

Zelderex is a fun game. Somehow, I am at a high rank. woot.

Oh well, Kiwi's are the best fruit. Ever.
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