Feb 03, 2008 23:52
ok well how do i start....i LOVE chicago, i really do and i don't mind the weather so much, or didnt/ untill now. I guess b/c when i was in school i only worked max 3 days a week for the past 8 years, and when i was not woking there (the zoo or catnap) i worked at Lewis, so i guess its b/c i have to drive far in shitty weather everyday, not just on nice days.
Well im hateing it i really am, ok for of thoese who don't know i live in chicago the southside by oak lawn, i went to mother mcauley...i work in BROOKFIELD...yes its not that far of a drive maybe like 45 min tops when its busy 15-20 miles away not bad but after a while i gets old.
so today i didn't know it was going to snow as bad, if i would have known i would have left before the superbowl started or when i first saw it start to snow...but no i didn't, so i had to drive home in that shit from berwyn, then im looking to see what the weather is going to be like over night and tommrow to see if MAYBE i would get another snow day, a nice 4 day weekend....and well this snow that is falling now will turn in to rain, and the 5-10some inches of snow that we have is going to melt, or since the highest temp tommrow is going to be 40 it will frezze and everything will turn to ice and i'll be skidding all over the fucking place.
who the hell knows, and you know how you can just feel something bad is going to happen, you can feel it in your stomach....well i got that feeling, so now im pissed and scared...i don't know whats going to happen or if anything will happen and if it happens what will it be about....i don't knwo i just have a bad feeling bout this week....but the good news is i get paied on tuesday!!!