Feb 29, 2008 17:35
I'm not a candy person. I don't buy it though if you were to offer me a piece of your kit-kat, I wouldn't turn it down. However, this time of year my favorite candy comes out and I'm completely addicted. They are called Robin Eggs and they are essentially whoppers with a candy coating. If you lick them, you can candy-dye your lips blue. I have a real problem when it comes to Robin Eggs. If I buy a sack, I'll eat the whole thing until I'm sick and have to vomit. I bought them the other day and promised myself just a couple a day, but I put them in the freezer and kept going back to the freezer to take out just a few more until I realized half the bag was gone and I felt a little ill. But that wouldn't stop me from finishing the bag in one night, so I had to throw them away. And not just put the bag in the garbage where I could justify taking a couple more out because they hadn't touched any of the real garbage. I had to dump its entire contents into the garbage so I wouldn't be tempted.
And I'm full out smoking again. I keep quitting for a day or two and then find a way to justify buying them again. I don't know why I'm doing this. I'm totally fucking up my breathing. And my hair, clothes, hands. Ugh. I have no excuse. I'm not any more stressed than the next girl. I wish I could take up the gauntlet again and quit, but I'm putting it off for some reason. And it's already affecting my breathing. I know I said that, but I need to say it again. It's fucking up my breathing.