Feb 03, 2005 11:31
Arrr, ahoy mateys! This is Captian Morgan of the Arrrrrgentina Scooner. Avast, I am besides merself. Richard Simmons walked yee plank today. It pleased me bones to see yee scurvy pansy given to the sea, let hee become part of the reefs arrr. I heard an ol wives tale of a man who was eaten by ye coral matey. If hee has same grueling fate, more arr to him.
Other scurvy news.. Mee parrot and feathered hat fell off the boat after yee mast came loose. A sad pirate's day for me. Mee shipmates and mee buried hee cage and mee hat's hanger to the sea.. (sad arrrr)
Arrr, more too come after yee post reception arr.. ahoy