Okay, so it's been a while...

Dec 16, 2008 11:11

Whew! 時間過得真快! Time sure goes by quickly and it's hard to believe Christmas is right around the corner. My birthday took me by surprise and passed by as if it had never happened. Unbelievable! I think the weather here makes time pass differently--it still feels like September or October most of the time. Actually, this kind of weather in Taiwan is just the kind of weather I love. It isn't overly hot that just sitting is causing me to sweat, and it isn't the arctic colds of Michigan that made me miss oh-so-many classes.

Anyway, an update on life here I think is in order. Classes at 師大國語中心 (The Mandarin Training Center) ended and started up again since the last time I posted here.

The semester seemed to pass by pretty quickly, and just as quickly the new one started. Only a six day break between classes makes it short as it is, but that is alright, since I really enjoy my classes. This current semester's teacher is a lot more strict than my previous one, which I think is a nice kick in the pants that I need. Admittedly, though, I kind of wish she were easier sometimes! My first exam was a 56, and that was, sadly, the average! As long as I pull an 80 to keep the scholarship, I'm satisfied.

I hate to say my life is boring and routine, but in a way it is. Not in a way that makes me bored, though, and wishing things were more exciting. On the contrary each day is always a fun new day and I don't find much monotony in my day to day life. Not working probably helps, along with actually enjoying (and, yes, going to) my classes. Speaking of going to my classes, I ran into Amanda (who works at the MTC) a week ago. She remembered me as the 'student who didn't go to class' from two years ago. Oh boy. What a reputation to keep. I am doing better this time, though!!

And I have to, too, otherwise I'll have visa issues! I just had my visa extended this past week, and it was actually pretty straightforward. Went down there with all my documentation, filled out and form, and stamp, stamp, stamp! All set to go! Had enough time to have a nice breakfast and study a bit before class.

Speaking of studying, I'll be making the next few posts devoted to my current study methods, which has changed and evolved since I've gotten here. I don't think I have ever devoted so much time to studying something before. I am really focused on what I am doing, and spend as much time each day as I can to acquiring new things. I have some hurdles I still need to jump over, but I will go over that more in detail later.

Well, I think that is about it for now. Just figured it might be about time I updated this. Also, on a side note, I finally added some new pictures up here too:

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