Jun 06, 2003 05:32
So it is now 5:30am and I'm yet to have my head touch the pillow, as far as days go this past one was liveable. I miss my wife, she's at this time living it up in Orlando, OK so she's still working, but still she's not here!
Have just finished watching a very disjointed film entitle CHAOS directed by the same fellow who gave us RING and RING 2, will not bore you with the details, if only to say that I would never of guess that it was his work, I mean even the style of the piece is different to that of his earlier works.
Talking of RING was happy to be informed that my copy of RING is waiting for me at Barnes 'n' Noble, meaning I need to finish Battle Royale quickly. I'm hoping that they translate the rest of the series other whys I'm going to be pissed, RING is the first in a four book saga, the rest entitled SPIRAL, LOOP and lastly BIRTHDAY. Can't wait, as I'm a huge fan of the original films I would love to read the books that started it all.
I've kind of hit a bump in the road in reference to my story, I only hope that I don't get to distracted and end up with yet another piece of unfinished work.
Yep that does it I really miss my wife, the way I see it why the fuck couldn't I tag alone. OK fine I know why. But this is the first time that she and I have been apart since our marriage so I feel justified over the fact that I want her back here as soon as possible, this only goes to prove that I can never see my life without her there with me. I can get as mushy as I see fit, I'm not going to be one of those typical MEN. As I see it this only proves how much we need each other and how I can see myself growing old with her and living the rest of my life with her by my side.
Roll on Saturday!!!!
Hope everyones doing fine, no big hick-ups. If anybody's interested I can up load the continuation of my story. So just drop us a message.
Speak to you all soon. Peace out.