May 13, 2008 11:02
I created this username so long ago because it represented something I have always wanted to be. Not literally of course, but I have always wanted to be on the outside of the earth, peering down at the endless world of people, or opportunity and of love.
This is our 21st year. So much has happened, we really have come so far. Cliche as it may be--it is certainly the truth.
We started these journals as 3 friends (I believe I was first, ahem...)with worlds of differences. And through all of this, we have remained different. But there is something uniquely special about our relationship, it has never faltered. Our love, respect and appreciation for the others has never once dwindled, even through periods of non contact and missed actions.
Amanda is at UCONN learning how to control the world one gene at a time. Lets take over the world--you and me sister. I love that you (still) kick ass and take names.
Helen just moved home from a time in Georgia and is figuring out the path that is going to lead to her life. I have always loved that you make no apologies for who you are and what you believe, and for that, you have the biggest amount of my admiration.
And there's me. Living in DC and chasing some dream that I havent quite figured out yet.
It seems like none of us really use this anymore. I think we basically invented blogging. Everyday we would log on, write about our days and comment on the others. It used to be what held us together.
The stars that gaze would be proud of us. We grew up.