Jun 20, 2007 12:36
This is likely to be one of a few political rants in the coming months. I am, after all, a political science major and working on a couple of campaigns, and living in the political capital of the US.
A few weeks ago, Hillary Clinton asked American's (via video blog) to vote on a campaign song for her bid as the next President. Now, I will admit at this time that I happen to be a Hillary fan. Not a huge one, but a fan nonetheless. This option to vote is good politics--get people involved early on keeps people involved. Besides, she needs more for her supporters do (her website isn't nearly as fun and interactive as say, oh, competitor Barack Obama.)
Her staff narrowed down the choices and posted them on her website; Hill fans had one week to vote and the highest ranking song would move onto the next round. America voted once again, and last night, a winner was announced.
(Drum roll please!) Hillary Clinton's new campaign song will be: "You and I" by Celine Dion. This very song was originally written and recorded for Air Canada. Let's not forget that Celine is Canadian...does that make sense?
It would be very easy to say that I am taking a cheap shot at Hillary for allowing a Canadian born singer to sing her campaign song, but, in essence, I am only voicing the same opinion as the Republicans will when they use this against her when they call her un-patriotic for not "pushing" a song by an American artist.
I enjoy Celine Dion; I do. But as a campaign song...really? Couldn't Hill have done a little better? But, hey...America voted, and we all know how that turns out...
When and if it ever becomes turn for America to pick my song, I will of course, only have suggested amazing rock and roll songs. I also already know what I want my song to be..."You give what you get" by the New Radicals. Beat that, Hill.