(no subject)

Dec 02, 2006 09:55

Ok so normally I don't post this often or whatever but you know, whatever.

I swear to goodness my work things I know all and can do all. To be honest, I can't do it all it all and I don't know it all, I know most but not all. Then working with mostly women (I only work with one guy)which is ridiculously hard and ridiculous too. You KNOW when someone is purposly being bitchy to you and you KNOW that when you do something wrong body language speaks louder then words. And just like the bus I get all the crazies. Yeah the crazy bitchy ladies who you want to send to ettique school or just punch them in the face because they are just ridiculous. Don't get me wrong though, some of the women I deal with, customers, are really nice and generous people. But sometimes it makes you wonder. I know everyone in this world doesn't tip or think it nessary to tip but honestly. For example this woman who comes in last night she has four services done...all of which total $350 dollars, and is there a tip? Nope. She just pays me for the service and goes on her merry way. The part that gets me the most is that she had 4 services done, 3 in which her Gift Certificate covered, and NOTHING?! I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Now I'm not saying that since she had a service that was way up there in price that there should be a tip but something or another should be given. The girl who did all those for her is now out some money because of this lady....And just not where I work either even in resturaunts and whatever, people just don't give a damn. I feel so bad for all the servers out there. Like honestly! When ever I go out to a resturaunt, I ALWAYS tip! It's common knowledge. My parents taught me that and drilled it into my head. Basically I want to sit everyone down who doesn't tip and may God help me, I'm going to drill it in their head too. I know this is just a rant but it's been bothering me for a while. I've seen everything from no tip to a $1.40 (on LCN's mind you) to very good to excellent tip range. I just want people to be curtious and have some manners. But I guess that's asking too much of the human race now of days. Popular culture has swooped in and taken over. I don't know what to think about this anymore. I kinda don't want to give up but I for now I think I have to.....


I just needed to get it out.
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