Okay, so my cellphone just fell off of my balcony o_O And is kinda dead now.. My gosh, I think I just squeaked XP But it wasn't really old yet D: *wails* Gosh, so now I won't be able to answer my phone calls.. Well duh.. That really sucks T.T
Anyways, I just stole a meme from
bitofpixiedust. So this is a meme for me to get to know people on my flist a little bit better, as well as for you guys to get to know me better 8B Please post this (with your own answers of course xP) to your own LJ too! 8D
1. First Name: Melanie
2. Age: 22
3. Location: Holland
4. Occupation: Student? I don't have a job. I know, I fail
5. Partner: My lovely bf Toshiya <3
6. Kids: Love them! X3 I used to be a nanny, I really enjoy being with them ~♥
7. Brothers/Sisters: A sister
8. Pets: Two birds named Coko and Cloudy, and 3 fishes, Reita, Ruki and Kai XP Though I've been calling them Junno, Kame and Jin lately o.O I've seen some resemblance XP
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
♥ My family, really <3 I love them and they've always supported me no matter what. I really don't think I could live without them being around, and my sister calling me every day XP (Though she won't be able to reach my on my cellphone now
♥ My friends: I think friends are really important ♥ My friends are just so much fun, and I adore each one of them. I lobrAlso my lovely friends online! We've never met each other in real life, but sometimes it really feels like we've known each other for years X3 And I'll just put Toshiya here too XP He is my boyfriend, but I really do see him as a really good friend too. We can really understand each other and he's just so loving and caring. I just love him. He's a really big part of my life too, since we've been living together for around 2 years now, so I can see him everyday which makes me really happy ^_^
♥ My Education: I'm studying Medicals atm, and of course this demands a lot of time, attention and brain cells (
10. Where and for what did you go to school for?: I'm studying Medicals at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
11. Parents: I love my parents. They are the most amazing parents ♥ They really love their kids, and each other. They've been married for 23 years now, and they say that they still love each other as much as they did back then. Which you can tell xD
12. Who are some of your closest friends?: Hmm, online? Well, I really adore Ally, Cindy, Sarah, Jess, Angie, Bianca, Patricia, Lozzyy, Dana, Miriam, Lisa and Xuan <3 I've got the feeling like I've forgotten a few of them, but you guys know that I love you ♥
So, that's me X3 Oh and if you're wondering what I look like, just scroll down on my LJ and you'll see a pic of me which I posted I-don't-know-how-long-ago XP I don't have any other pics of myself on my pc and my digi cam is broken
~ ♥