So.. wow.. holy cow.. I managed to finally post an entry!!! XD WOOT!! So yea, how's everyone doing? I thought I'd upload some cute gazette pics for you guys!
Aoi and Uruha love <3 - Kai cuteness - Reita love *-* -
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i even have 'DO NOT TAKE' written by them. Please take the following icons off of your live journal, since they were made by me or for me only.
thanks for taking them off of your livejournal
And also, thanks for commenting on my LJ XD
And also, there are some gazette layouts you can use at azn_graphics It's a graphics community that my sister and my friend run. You are allowed to use any of the layouts/icons/moodthemes... as long as you credit. So if you join there, you may find lots of things you'd like to use XDD
but, thanks for being understanding about it all <33! I appreciate it.
Oh.. I see. That sounds good! But could you tell me how to credit? XD I'm just new to all this, so I don't even know that XD;
Btw, feel free to call me Marium ^^ My real name.
Oh.. wait!! Something came into my head suddenly XD Are you the one from Batsu who was collecting all those msgs for gazette because they felt disappointed for no encore?! I think I know you.. If not, I'm so sorry XD;
Comment: [julia_weasley ruki piano]
You just replace the user name "julia_weasley" withthe name of whoever made the icon. and it will show up that that is the person who made your icon XD
for mood themes or layouts, you just put on your user info page where you wrote your info,
moodtheme by:
layout by:
and just put the user name of whoever made it! If you get something from our community, you can either put the name of the person who made it or the community name azn_graphics
I hope that makes sense, I don't know if i do sometimes lol
And yeah! It was me who was collecting the messages on Batsu lol <333 My friend Shirann gave them all to gazette's staff at a show in Japan back in April
And I think that was such a great job! I'm working at something for Kai's birthday now XD It's a plushie <3 Oh.. sorry, that was so random. but I'm random XD
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