I'm here! 8D

Apr 25, 2008 20:21

Heey dearies! <3
How're you all doing? :3 Well, one thing's for sure, I'm about to die more tests than i have already once I'm back T_T Anyways, enough ranting x'D I hope you guys are having a better time than I am! XD Well, a positive thing is, the sun's shining and that makes me feel happy in a way.. :)

Oh wait... I think I've been talking too negative lol.. I promised myself to stay positive, so now I'll talk about things that made me happy lately! 8D So, as some of you might know already, my sweet Mi-chan turned me into a JE-fan (and I'm so happy about that! XD) so I've been watching a lots of JE-related vids when having time.. I think I'll post a fav-vids-list soon xD I'm so in love with KAT-TUN, NewS, Arashi and Kanjani8 at the moment ._. *sigh* I've been watching J-dramas too! One Pound Gospel (feat Kame *---------*), Gokusen II (again with Kamenashi and Jin X3), Yukan Club (Jin...... and Junno! XD) (lol I guess I've started to sound like a fangirl now ne? :P), and many more :P I still want to watch Yuuki the movie too, I've heard a lot about that movie *~* And I really like the story too :3 Ne-ways, I can't wait till they release their new single in May! 83
Ooh, wait, I think I'm going to post some vids now, can't help it :P
Kame being really kawaii :P ~ http://youtube.com/watch?v=mA9pQikbtoo
Kame being such a hottiee~ XD http://youtube.com/watch?v=hubBJFeDczE
Jin in Gokusen II (love this part :P) http://youtube.com/watch?v=R8nM4NysVpg
Kei (he's from NewS) and Shige (NewS too), gotta love them :P http://youtube.com/watch?v=R8nM4NysVpg
Yamapi vs. Kame (one of the many Nobuta wo Produce (a drama feat them) specials :3) I think Yamapi has some experience xD http://youtube.com/watch?v=YX1odrzfa3k

Anyways... I'll stop now before I won't be able to stop myself from squeeling o_o;; Oh one more thing that makes me really excited! I can't wait for Gazette's new single and DVD!! 8DD *spazz* <3

Hope you're all doing great!~ <3333
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