Hiii!!! ^____________________^

Apr 04, 2007 13:57

Hey there dearies!!~ How have you all been? I'm again sorry I didn't update T_T Gosh, I'm so going to promise that I'll update more often!! :D *giggles* Anywaaaays, missed you guys ne!! <3

Seriously, lately I'm not really able to concetrate in my classes o__0; It's like, even if I read the chapter of my book over and over again, I just still don't ( Read more... )

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jamie_kay180 April 6 2007, 23:24:41 UTC
guh, i think i just about died. x_____x *notices blood streaming from nose*

ah well, i dont need it anyways! always seems to fall out :/

his expression is like.. "hey, you want some?" yes Aoi, now shut up and let us have it yeah? :D

he really has very sexy hips.


gazette_mor April 7 2007, 18:14:32 UTC
Nuuuu!!~ Don't die toooo!!~ T__T We're loosing some great fans, thanks to you Aoi D: Seriously, it shouldn't be allowed for one to be like him ne 0__0 It's like.. they're from an other planet!! D< lmao XD

haha XD Indeed~ lol XD *giggles* He's asking for it ne, so he can't blame us afterwards XDD *evviiill XD*

Yea, he sure has *__* Really love his collar bones too *drops*


jamie_kay180 April 8 2007, 00:23:30 UTC
NOOOOOO!!! its only temporary death. i'll be back in a second. *waits* *pings back to life with a poof of green and yellow smoke* :D yeah, seriously, not enough sensoring goes on at their end. gawd, i wonder how much picture filtering actually happens .___. seriously!

haha, he is indeed. and he cant say we were warned. coz i saw no warning on the cover of the magazine that pics from. XD *grins* XD

yeah, theyre just. GUH *wants to lick them* XD yeah, he has a really beautiful body, and likes to show it off as it seems!!


gazette_mor April 8 2007, 11:31:25 UTC
whahaha XD loool~ Glad you're back ^.~ *glomps* Uh-uh, you're right o__0; I wonder how many of the crew members he alread killed o.o

lmao~ Indeed XD They should write something like "Warning, Aoi's pictures can kill you. Or well, they'll definately kill you if you see them." on the cover XD *lol*

You're so right *___* *dies* *glomps Aoi's pic on the screen* *ouch...*


jamie_kay180 April 10 2007, 00:57:13 UTC
buwaahahaha *ish glomped* *falls over and rolls* XDDD

yeah.. you mean Gazette members? buwahaha, im sure he's killed them all three times over xDDD

LOL, they should indeed, a pre warning is always usefull x3 and warn us off Reita's smexyness and their dorkyness xDD


*humps her screen* XDD >__>; *cough* you ok? ... maybe you should go a bit more cafefull xDD *giggles* Aoi was asking for ith though XDD


gazette_mor April 10 2007, 08:11:04 UTC
haha xD *is in a silly mood* *rolls around with you* XD

Yea, I mean.. I'm sure everytime Aoi tries it again, they're like "you already killed us so many times, now just stop it..." XD lmao~ Poor babies D:

Reita's such a dooork xD And gosh, I really love his smile ~<3 When I saw NLSG I didn't expect him to laugh and smile that much, so it just made me go all like "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *insert fangirling*" XD

hmm, I guess.. *calms down* But yes, he's asking for it T_T *pouts* I'm just not going to look at it...


jamie_kay180 April 10 2007, 23:52:02 UTC
buwahahaha *is -always- in a silly mood!* *rolls in circles* :D

yeah, i bet they are .___. my poor Gazette, having to many constant deaths, just from Aoi, gawd, they must have much more, considering the hottness of the band O_O;;

omg, dorky reita is like.. ze cutest thing ever! i didnt expect that either, but i found it made it all the more awsome! *squeaks* he really looks so awsome smiling and laughing!! <3

not going to look at it, well my dear friend, i sugest you go hide undre a very dark rock to avoid looking. though... that wont be any fun!! XD


gazette_mor April 11 2007, 13:42:18 UTC
Being in a silly mood is fuuuuuuun :D lol~ XDD *hops*

Indeed O__O They're a quite dangerous band lol xD Maybe we should go and rescue the Gaze boys, and then we'll also kidnap Aoi and keep him isolated from the others XDD lmao~ haha XD And you were so right, we can be partners-in-crime! :D Hey, but this isn't really crime, is it? I mean, we're going to [I] rescue [/I] them ne XD *giggles*

Yes indeed!~ Although that Aoi-jelly-fish-dance-thingy also made me laugh my ass off XD That was just the best thing I saw in years XD And soooo cute *squeeeeels* XD

Good suggestion! *goes to hide under a very dark rock and avoids looking* Doesn't work ><; I even keep thinking about it XDD haha~ And nooo, it's no fun either >< I guess I should just become used to dying after seeing his pic D:


jamie_kay180 April 11 2007, 16:21:26 UTC
yeh! its almost as fun as being a three legged duck :D *cough* *hops in circles with*

they are indeed =O oh yes, rescue.... yes. *rubs hands together* yeh, isolateed, one of us had better keep watch to make sure he doesnt escape! >DD lmao. partners in crime is always sexy xDD oh, its just helping the comunity from un expected deaths due to uber hot guys! its all for a good cause ne? :D

LOL, i havent seen that dance =O REITA NOODLE DANCE!!!! thats damn good to XDDD *squealsssssS* XD

awww, *drags you out* you'd have to have no imagination to get away from it all >____< thinking always spoils stuff XD yeah, you really should XD *sobs* D::: but it'll always be a shock >_<;;


gazette_mor April 13 2007, 11:39:06 UTC
haha~ That's nice nice xD *glomps*

Yeaaah!!~ I wouldn't mind looking after him though ;) You knooow, I can take good care of people that are evil like him XD muhahah *evil* yes yes, I'm ebil too D: Partners in crime are sexy? haha lmao!!~ Well yeaaaah ^.~ *giggles* *snuggles* Oh yes, of course we're not doing this to just enjoy ourselves!~ *LOL* We're doing this for the other people that could probably die because of him D< And wooow~ We'll have the whole band for ourselves :D !!! *noooo, I'm not a fangirl :P* *squeeels* And Mommy Kai will make us french toast!! :D *daydreams* *bad XD ( ... )


jamie_kay180 April 16 2007, 01:24:35 UTC
yus indeed it is! :D *ish glomped*

nooo, im not sure i would either, wanna take shifts? ;D share out the hard work? :Doh, i know very well, as is why we should split ze job, ne? :3 perners in crime are sexier than sex dude! oh, of course not *snorts* *burries head into your neck* :3 *squeaks* mummy Kai serving us brekkie in bed ^O^

YES, ZE NOODLE DANCE!! i'll show you that video tomorrow, right now i need to go to bed O_O ;__; no, i havent seen the Aoi silly jelly fish dance xDDD its not when he's wearing that golden kimono is it? :D wtf, what a lame site to bad >_> even my school didnt ban them! >_> and they banned google at one point O_O yay!! when do you get home? :3 i havent seen dragon ball Z with Kai O_O *head desk* XD

TOO much imagination is never a bad thing my dear freind ^^ *clings back like an equally crazy baby* :3 *giggles* :3


gazette_mor May 14 2007, 08:22:30 UTC
Woaah!!~ UNI IS DRIVING ME CRAZY ;o; *cries* I don't even have time to do sth for myself on the pc ;__; I'm so sorry that I didn't reply earlier Maddy-chan T_T *clings ( ... )


jamie_kay180 May 14 2007, 12:03:41 UTC
awwwww T___T you've got a lot of work to do then? @___@ awww, its ok~ you were busy, i wont eat you alive for that x3 *clings back* <3

haha, no, what would they want to do that for xD we both can, we might need two on at a time ^_~ *gives perverted thoughts a cookie to go off and leave her alone for a moment* xD breakfast in bed ala Kai~ <3 that is indeed! although i think Ruki may be the best singer x3

awwww ;__; haha, yes, he looks so funny when he does it and the other two are just talking!!! XD hahahah, that must have really sucked! :3 im suprisded they block so much stuff at Uni's actually! how mch more wrong can you get than fanfiction, yet thats still everywhere XD *snicker* not that i have an objection or anything!

haha, omg, that is sooooooo cuuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3 i love the way reita falls over backwards x3 *squeaks* Aoi looks so sweet when he grins at the end XD *squeals*

nyahahaha ^___^ *cuddlesnuggle* x3


gazette_mor May 18 2007, 12:07:05 UTC
Yea I dooo ;___; *sigh* haha XD yaay!! I won't get eated! :D *glomps* *giggles* XD

*takes cookie* *o* lmao XD Indeed, it's not necessary is it? XD Hmm~ I guess so too, but what if Ruki's busy with other things? XDD *lmao* You gave me the cookie remember!! XD

Lol~ I always thought that they were doing it on purpose? I mean, you can "hear" him dancing and lmao XD I wonder if Aoi does that often or not, maybe the others are used to it already XD *snorts*
exactly, but they don't seem to get it XD Maybe they're just afraid that we might watch "wrong" things and that our parents will come and complain -__-; *rolls eyes* Geez, we're old enough XD lol~ Yaay for fanfiction!! XD

*squeels* Aoi's grin's just adorable XD He does that many times ne? :3 Reita should play in Matrix, he's really good at it xD *fangirls*


jamie_kay180 May 18 2007, 21:22:26 UTC
aww T___T haha, no you wont 8D not unles syou request it :3 *giggles* *ish glomped* ;]

nyahaha ecxactly XDD well, we'll just have to interupt Ruki wont we!! >D you never know what it could be XD

im sure they do actually >D meanies XDD
yeah probably.. but i think they should realize that by the time your at Uni your a big grown up and can deal with that sort of stuff eh? XDD *snorts* fanfiction rules YAY! <3

yus, its so cute, but he's like smirking as well, coz he knows he's hot and we cant touch him XD oh yes, many! reita should... he should do a LOT of other things actually ;] *fangirls with* XD


gazette_mor April 7 2007, 18:15:53 UTC
Oh Oh!! I'm so stooopid >< *bangs head to wall* Totally forgot to say that I'm so happy to see you here!~! :D *clings*

Owwh and btw, what's your name? ^^; My name's Melanie (Mel) ^___^~ <3 *huggles*


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