Mar 11, 2007 14:59

Just a little fast update x'D lol, yea I knooow! Haven't updated for a looong time! Missed you all!! <3333 *huggles* Though I'm feeling really sick these last 2 days T___T I've got a fever and my head and throat are hurting like hell oT^To *cries* And it's such beautiful weather outside, and I couldn't even go out.. mouuuu~ =0=;

Anyway, I'm a bit late, but still.. HAPPY HAPPY AMAZING ANNIVERSARY TO GAZETTE!!! It's been 5 years already ne! Yaaay! I'm so proud of them and I just can't say enough how much they mean to me and how really great and amazing they are!! ^_________________________________^

We loooooooooove you Gazette! Keep on your amazing great work and we're always there to support you!

*goes to write some *coughfangirly* posts to our gazeboys <3*

Oh and NO! I haven't forgotten my sweet friends either XD *just in case you might think that* I've just been really really busy with uni and some stupid problems with a guy living here << Anyway, hope you all are doing fine ne! <3333 *many hugs to you all*

Love you so much!
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