Title: Everything ends
fffriction1984 [
tbsupervillains ]
Chapters: 18/??
Genre: het, AU, historical, action, romance, drama
Warnings: het, un-betaed, English is not my first language, Wikipedia helped me a lot but I’m not sure how accurate this is (I suck when it comes to historical things XD), CHARACTER DEATH!!!
Rating: PG-13/NC-17, depending on the chapters
Pairings: Uruha x Hiko, Aoi x Waka
Characters: All gazemen, Yoshiki [X Japan], Tora, Nao, Hiroto, Shou, Saga [Alice Nine], Hiko (Tomiko), Waka [danger*gang], Sakito [Nightmare], SCREW, some OC’s, more characters to come, this will be an jrock-all-star-cast XD
Disclaimer: Don't own anyone
Comments: We're nearing the end.
Synopsis: Everything he lived for was gone
“Just remember that we aren’t the bad guys.” Archive