Title: flamBOYant
fffriction1984 (
tbsupervillains )
Chapters: Prologue/??
Genre: het, general, romance (? not sure though), humour (?), drama
Warnings: het, un-betaed, English is not my first language
Rating: PG13-NC17 (depending on the chapter)
Pairings: Ruki x OFC
Characters: Gazette
Disclaimer: Don't own anyone
Comment: Yeah, so
samuraisongbird gave me yet another prompt and I decided to go for it. Hope you like it, dear! ^^ Oh, and sorry for taking forever to get this up. This one also goes out to several other people who wanted me to write a Ruki-centered-fic ^^
Synopsis: There are those kinds of jobs and this kinds of jobs. Sometimes it's just fine when you're a woman, sometimes it's not. But there are also jobs that are worth to act like a man - especially in the chauvinist Japanese society. But pretending to be a guy can lead to so much fun - just as much as it causes problems. But decisions need to be made either way. That decision leads to a kind of... flamBOYant lifestyle.
Prologue Archive