HEEEY + Reita/Uruha FANART

Jun 23, 2009 14:48

Name: Kathleen
Age: teenaged.
Location: Toronto
Interests/hobbies: soccer, music, guitar, piano, drawing, origami, writing, anime, manga, graphics, horses, muffins, being the comedic relief during intense situations
Picture: I'm the one in the bottom left corner

Other stuff about you: I'm shorter than kyo
Fave pairing and why? hmm... I don't really know, maybe Reituki because their personalities seem to fit really well, and Aoi x Uruha because the best fantasy fics come with them ;)
Least liked pairing and why? Uruha x Reita or Uruha x Ruki. Why? Well Uruha and Reita feel like brothers, and for Uruha and Ruki i can only see it ending up in heartbreak of some sort
Gazette pairing you haven't quite grasped yet? Kai x Uruha. I read one fic on them a long time ago and holy shittake mushrooms it was so fluffy i felt suffocated xP
What will you be submitting for the challenge? FANART
Anything you'd like to add? QWERTYUIOP.

Thank you and goodnight...or whatever the time is where you are :]

follow me pleease for fanart ;)

Rating = G, because really, i did not want to go any further with this pairing

rating: g, pairing: reita/uruha ・ uruha/reita, type: fanart, post: introduction

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