It's all sweetness and light over here

Feb 14, 2009 09:52

I have already read so many sappy posts this morning - each made me throw up a little in my mouth - that I don't want to inflict that kind of pain on you.

I mean, sure I love my husband, but I would've loved him more if he'd gotten up & made me coffee this morning. Unfortunately, he's still in bed, and I had to make my own coffee (oh, the humanity!) as well as my own oatmeal.

We don't do much with hallmark holidays. I mean, I gave him a 1-lb heart-shaped box of chocolates (that had actually been given to me). AND, since it didn't come with a candy map, I helpfully bit the corner out of each of the chocolate candies so he'd know what he was getting. I am such a giver! (I also don't like chocolates very much - only the coconut ones, and there was only one of those.)

Right now, I'm sitting on the sofa with a cat on my lap trying to decide what I'm going to do to make myself sweat today and trying to determine if the architect really wanted chicken picatta tonight or if he meant take-out pizza instead.

I've made it through 4 of the busiest weeks of my new job, and have only one crazy week left before my week-long vacation. I am looking forward to both this three-day weekend as well as my vacation.

BUT - for all you people out there who love someone else, happy Valentine's Day. Make sure you tell your parents or children or lovahs or friends how much they mean to you.

The top 10 people/groups of people (there are more than just 10) I'm thinking of today?

1. The architect

2. The kitties

3. The parents

4. My college girls (Sara, Steph & Marcy)

5. My LA peeps (Brad & Sue especially)

6. My LJ buds (whitetigermoon , justjoe1980 , i_come_undone , minofsin02 , red_silk_robe , fredo_joaquin, molly_mcb , kristenred  )

7. My knitting girls (The Cheetah, Snowdance & the one that doesn't have a clever nickname yet, I'm still working on it)

8. My sister who is getting ready to embark on a very scary/exciting adventure

9. My cousin that lives just down the street from me; and honestly, one of the few family members (with the exception of any that might read this blog) that I want to spend time with regularly.

10. My super-duper friend Margaret who lives very far away & refuses to move in with me so we can shop for shoes & drink rum & play scrabble EVERY DAY.

I love you guys!

Originally published at Gazelles On Crack

architects are sexy, friends & family

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