Title: Ningyou Murasaki (Purple Doll)
Chapters: 4/5
mypaperdoll1611 Genre: Historical, Drama, Romance, Smut
Warnings: sex scenes
Ratings: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Ch1-ReitaxUruha//Ch2-KaixUruha//Ch3RukixUruhaxByou//Ch4AoixUruha//Ch5??xUruha
Band: the GazettE, ScReW
Summary: Came from a devoured clan, Uruha promised revenge to the nobles who killed the people he loved. The only survivor ran and returned to Kyoto as an entertainer. He seduces the sons of the possible nobles who planned the whole massacre seven years ago and tries to discover the truth of that crimson colored nightmare.
Comments: I love this chapter^^
[Fourth Night: Silver Moon ~ Shiroyama's Disguise]