Several things...

Aug 07, 2007 00:00

Erm.. It's yesterday that the whole thing gets me.
I've been polishing my nails black for nearly a month. Now I think it's time to progress.
Other than wearing black, maybe I should wear something more "visual".
So yesterday I googled for h.NAOTO...
OHP's online shop don't ship overseas, but I nevertheless took a quick look.
And I was like OMFGZ$$$$$$$$$
This skirt is just too cute~! =)
And the gouK line.

I backed away and went to take a look at Yahoo Auctions Jp...
This, why?!  I want to live in Japan... =3

And back to reality I searched in the local Yahoo and Ebay site....
God damn... These people are making way too much profit....
There are less h.NAOTO stuff but many SEX POT ReVeNGe stuff, including the free magazine "Vinyl Syndicate"....

So I gave up on the idea of dressing up visually. =X

Someone of the An Cafe comm share this Interview with An Cafe before J-Shock, and it's quite interesting.

Hello and welcome to Germany! How are you doing?

Miku: Hello! The flight was rather boring, but it was okay, because I was sitting next to Satoshi, the singer of girugämesh and we talked about pretty much everything possible.

Wow! Though some earlier songs of An Cafe are rather hard rock, most newer releases are dance-y and pop-py...
Erm.. It's normal for vocalists to get to talk to each other, but girugämesh, they are really hardcore! It's just a interesting scene! =)

After Bou left An Cafe, everybody assumed that you would of course get a new guitarist. What made you decide to also recruit a keyboard player for the band?

Teruki: The new guitarist is not a replacement for Bou, that’s for sure. Though, at first we were thinking that it would be sufficient to only get one new member in the band. Because we work with keyboard sounds, Miku came with the idea to also look for a permanent keyboard player to join the band, to become more professional musically.

Another Wow! It's nice to see that they reject the idea of the new members as substitutes, establishing their places in the band and explaining why they get Yuuki. Most people I think will doubt that whether Yuuki is a necessary existence in the band because they didn't have and need one in the past. But now I think it's about lives.

On stage and during your promotion in general, you don’t use your real names. Kanon for example has picked his name from the manga “Maki Kusumuto Kiss”. Where do the other pseudonyms come from?

Miku: I derived my name kind of coincidentally from an actress. The others all use a part of their real name.

My doubts of Takuya being 拓哉 is kind of solved... XD My obsession of 木村拓哉 being also takuya...
And ゆうき, what's his real name then?! =D Probably the 2ch-ers will find that out soon.

Currently you’re signed with the independent label Loop Ash despite the fact that you’re very well-known. Do you like the role as an indies band or have you thought about signing with a major label?

Miku: We don’t really care whether we’re indie or major, but we like to be on Loop Ash, it’s comfortable for us and we get along with the boss very well.

I like your answer Miku, so confident and stylish(?). And you get along with your boss well! =)

Teruki: ... Takuya is a perfectionist. And he loves guitar!

Takuya is a kid~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
He's so adorable.! Pus he's underage!
Another passionate guitarist!!

And their autographs...
I think the first one with a cat has got to be Miku's.
The second one with 顔文字 and ドイツ大好き should be Yuuki's. Judging from that childish sig.
The final one is obvious, "by takuya" XD... and his kanji handwriting is just too childish...
The rest, I don't know. Haven't studied their sigs before but I think the Kermit one is Kanon's, so that makes the other one Teruki's.... Maybe.

#1: ナイトメア is releasing 2 consecutive(?) singles in Oct and Nov!!! YAY!!
#2: Subscribed to 龍寺's blog RSS since 1/8/2007 17:04 entry 8201, now latest entry 7/8/2007 0:27 entry 8389
       That's 189 entries in nearly a week!!! XD I can fly too.
#3: メガマソ will appear in  「週刊インフルエンタ!」 in  Ameba Studio on Aug 11. Why is now everyone going on Ameba's shows?
       None of the members has a blog in Ameblo~!
#4: Rather than purely 魔男, マオにゃん is now 宍戸魔男.... XD
       Plus I hate him for his little Peta Festival............................................................................... I'm on the nth page...

アンティック-珈琲店-, personal

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