Taking it back

Mar 28, 2006 09:11

Life is sweet at the moment. Although constantly running around from one place to the next (Stop The War marches, Villette appearances in various places, Devon, Selfridges, Waterlow Park, Victoria Embankment Garden and Sonic Studios standing out as particular highlights), my thoughts over the past couple of weeks have been firmly rooted in two pastures: Villette and Lucy. The band are doing really well at the moment, and creatively we are on a high. Interpersonal relationships with the group are as good as they've ever been, and I now see Neil as one of my closest friends. I've also been lucky enough to find a girl who has melted the ice that had formed around my heart. Although it's early days I'm hoping things continue to develop organically and our relationship blossoms. I guess time will tell, but for now I'm happy.
It is imperative that everybody comes to the Bull and Gate to celebrate my birthday on April 24th. I'm arriving back into the country from Japan on that very day, so will have limited opportunity to promote the gig before hand, but suffice to say that you will be charmed by David Ryder-Prangley and The Witches, be impressed with the sharp angles of Glass, before you are treated to a wonderful mix of Romanticism and Gothicism from your favourite rock and roll visionaries. Expect a few surprises as well over the course of the evening, and be prepared to wish me well as I enter into my second quarter-century.
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