Two Years

Apr 02, 2009 00:40

And so it goes, then. We're all on our way out, from a place that was never really home and enemies that never really made that much sense to begin with. I don't know if I really have words to describe this place anymore. It was all such a fucked up time, good and bad, so its stupid to think reminiscing will do any good. People came and went, and if my little delusion taught me anything, its that nothing is permanent. Life goes before you know it and soon you're worm food somewhere. It's silly to think otherwise. Just enjoy it and go.

But ya know, it was good, lots of it. Matt, Li, Kimi, Yuuko, Alema, Tonks, Quatre, Kyoko, even bantering with Shinon and the crazy scientist ego guy and that weirdo Gaston...who knew there were so many ways to describe crazy? Crazy just means out of element, and that just means I'm crazy too. Well fine. I'm seventeen, a little taller and annoyingly a little wiser too. It's about all I need. I didn't need to stay by a game console, lost in fake worlds when there is so many real weird ones out there.

And I intend to see them, and write about them. A long ass book, and when I'm done you're all getting a damn copy whether you like it or not (yes, you TOO, Shadow, because even you can use a good dose of laughing material before you go to bed). Because we all shared this weird ass existence for at least a little while, and it let me know something for certain: no world is home for people that see possibilities. They're everywhere, in everything and all over everyone. If you forget that, fine, you're apt. It happens. But hopefully you'll get the book and remember, if only for a little while, that life goes on in pockets and time is the only illusion that attempts to keep it together.

I want you to come with me. Let's explore the worlds together. Let's see the stars and get into trouble and go to hell and back because I'm crazy about you and you KNOW no world can keep you pinned down.

And now that we realize social conventions are gone, I'll say it. I'll say it once. I love you for fucking ever, you are my life mate and the only person that I can trust to do this with me.

Let's see the stars, you and me.
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