Ask for me in the morning and you shall find me a grave man

May 01, 2006 15:14

Ugh, I just had the worst night's sleep that I've had since forever. I've kipped in train stations and felt better for it at the end. Getting to sleep was the wost part - has anyone ever had that feeling when you're falling asleep that you've just forgotten to breathe for the past minute? I kept getting that last night. And when I finally fell asleep I had a series of weird dreams that were in no way pleasant or relaxing - I consider diving into a sewer to rescue a drowning baby to be a low point of my subconcsious adventures.

Yeah, that's right. A drowning baby. In a sewer. The fuck was that all about?!

On the plus side, I did see the Baz Luhrmann version of Romeo and Juliet last night - such an incredible film! It never faild to move me.
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